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Rev. Dr. Usha Kiran presents AUGP Special Seminar by Prof. Dr. Madhu Kishan

Rev. Dr. Usha Kiran presents AUGP Special Seminar by Prof. Dr. Madhu Kishan

28 Octoboer 2023 Ghatkesar, Hyderabad: Rev. Dr. Usha Kiran National Vice President was the Chief Guest in a Pastors Meeting gathered in the outskirts of Hyderabad. She was meeting the local Pastors on behalf of Prof. Dr. Madhu Kishan to present about a proposed Key Seminar that Prof Dr. Madhu Kishan will teach from the AUGP. The Pastor’s conference was organized by Bishop Veeraji Panta Israel of RPM – Diocese India and Coordinated by Sis Grace and Bro. Antipass.

The Founder President The Rt. Rev. Dr. Sam Paul shared briefly about National Christian Council and informed all to participate in the fellowship of NCC for the welfare of Christian Community. National Vice President Rev. Brighty Beulah shared briefly about 17 Wings and how that NCC works with the motto of United to Serve. Later on good fellowship was extended with all those that participated in the meeting including Ms. Jyothi Parka the Chief Mentor & Psychologist of Virtual Glocal that empowers and encourages good businesses amongst several other transformational activities.


Our Vision

visionWe Unite to Serve
We bring cohesion in the various denominations of Christian faith

visionBe Voice to Voiceless
To be a Voice for the voiceless and also raise awareness & Bring Hope to the Hopeless.

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Currently serving in over 24 States and Union Territories of India

Building of leaders throughout the Country by helping their pursuit of preserving democracy and maintaining human rights focusing on minorities rights.


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